Create account

const { createAccount } = useAccount();

const res = await createAccount();

Orderly Key

Creates an OrderlyKey. The validity of the OrderlyKey (in days) can be set.

const { createOrderlyKey } = useAccount();

const res = await createOrderlyKey(30);

After the OrderlyKey is successfully created, it will be stored in the KeyStore, and will be used for API signatures later on.


The KeyStore instance is responsible for storing the Orderly private key, which is used for trading. By default the key will be stored in local Storage, but a custom KeyStore implementation can be given to OrderlyConfigProvider like explained here.

const { account } = useAccount();
// ...

Account status

The Account object has the following statuses:

export enum AccountStatusEnum {
  NotConnected = 0,
  Connected = 1,
  NotSignedIn = 2,
  SignedIn = 3,
  DisabledTrading = 4,
  EnableTrading = 5

The above statuses are represented as follows:

  • NotConnected/ Connected - Wallet connection status, not related to Orderly. NotConnected means no wallet connected, Connected means the wallet app is connected and we know the user’s wallet address.
  • NotSignedIn / SignedIn - The result from calling Get Account Information or Register Account. NotSignedIn means there’s no registered account associated with the wallet address and brokerId pair. SignedIn means that an account has been previously registered with the wallet address and brokerId pair.
  • DisabledTrading / EnableTrading - The result from calling Get Orderly Key or Add Orderly Key. DisabledTrading means no active Orderly Key is found in the KeyStore. EnableTrading means an active Orderly Key is found in the KeyStore and can be used to authenticate for any private API requests.

Get account status

There are two ways to get the account status. You can get it either directly from useAccount’s value, or through subscribing to the account status change event:

  • Retrieve from the state value in useAccount:
const { state } = useAccount();

state also contains the following account info, as shown below:

interface AccountState {
  status: AccountStatusEnum;
  checking: boolean;
  accountId?: string;
  userId?: string;
  address?: string;
  • Subscribe to the change:status event in the Account instance. (account is a singleton of the Account instance)。
const { account } = useAccount();

const statusChangeHandler = (nextState: AccountState) => {
  // do something

useEffect(() => {
  account.on("change:status", statusChangeHandler);

  return () => {"change:status", statusChangeHandler);
}, []);

Update account status currently does not provide the functionality for connecting wallets, builders have to handle wallet connection logic themselves, refer here.

Once the user has successfully connected a wallet, use the setAddress method to pass the address to the Account instance. 3 additional parameters need to be passed when calling setAddress:

  • provider - provider according to the EIP1193Provider standard
  • chain - information regarding the connected chain, including the id
  • wallet - wallet information, including the name of the wallet app

The setAddress method in Account will check the accound_id and the existence of any valid OrderlyKey from the provided address and update the state. If the state is AccountStatusEnum.EnableTrading, then the full login process in complete and the user can then access all functionalities provided by Orderly.

const { account, state } = useAccount();

//... logic for connecting wallets ...

 * setAddress will return Promise<AccountStatusEnum>, and state will be updated
const nextState = await account.setAddress("<address>", {
  provider: provider, // EIP1193Provider, usually window.ethereum
  chain: {
    id: "0x1" // chain id, e.g. 0x1 for Ethereum Mainnet, it's a hex string
  wallet: {
    name: "" // Wallet app name, e.g. MetaMask

Switch Chain

  const account = useAccountInstance();

  const handleChainSelect = (id: string) => {
    // Remember to also switch chain in your wallet provider (e.g., wagmi, web3-onboard)

return (
    .filter(({ network }) => network === "mainnet")
    .map(({ id, icon, label, chainId }) => (
      <button key={id} onClick={handleChainSelect(id)}>