May 19, 2024 - v1.5.4


Updates to v1.5.4

Adding component IDs to component SDK for more customization options.

May 17, 2024 - v1.5.3

Bug Fixes

Updates to v1.5.3

Bug fixes.

May 16, 2024 - v1.5.2

Bug Fixes

Updates to v1.5.2

Bug fixes.

May 15, 2024 - v1.5.1

Bug Fixes

Updates to v1.5.1

Bug fixes

New Feature

Updates to v1.5.1

  • The SDK now supports the use order/position line features, even when using the free Advanced TradingView version.

TradingView v27^ is required to integrate hoooks v1.5.0^

April 29, 2024 - v1.4.3


Updates to v1.4.3

Fixes for some production bugs related to TP/SL, referral and PnL card sharing.

Referral hooks are now a part of the hooks package.

April 26, 2024 - v1.4.0

New Feature

Updates to v1.4.0

Long awaited TP/SL orders are here. Introducing a new set of hooks for take profit and stop loss orders. Detailed documentation here

April 21, 2024 - v1.3.2

Bug Fixes

Updates to v1.3.2

Pricing display issue with long-tail assets and performance improvements

New Feature

New referral module v0.1.2

New hooks:

  • useComission

  • useDaily

  • useRefereeHistory

  • useRefereeInfo

Three new referral program page components

Dashboard page:

Affiliate page:

Trader page:

April 2, 2024 - v1.2.0

Bug Fixes

Updates to v1.2.0

The following issues are fixed:

  • Orderbook price getting stuck with drastic price changes.

  • Incorrect decimals when calling API during order placement.

  • null error when setting limit price outside of price range when closing a position.

  • Frontend validation produces inaccurate numbers when editing stop-limit orders.

  • Decimal digits for qty, price, and trigger price are incorrect in the edit order popup.

  • Incorrect decimal digits for estimated liquidation price in order entry.

  • Updates to PnL card with design enhancements.

March 19, 2024 - v1.1.9

Bug Fixes

Updates to v1.1.9

The following issues are fixed:

  • Updated logic for pending orders.

  • Minor dependency issues.

March 20, 2024 - v1.1.8

Bug Fixes

Updates to v1.1.7

  • Minor internal issues fixed.

March 19, 2024 - v1.1.7

Bug Fixes

Updates to v1.1.7

The following issues are fixed:

  • Dependency issues at runtime.

March 19, 2024 - v1.1.6


Updates to v1.1.6


  • fixed wrong calculations of estLiqPrice and estLeverage.

  • Enhanced Position and Order list update frequency.

  • Minor UI issue fixes.


  • PnL card sharing: a PnL card can be generated based on user’s positions.
() => {
  const { ref, copy, download, toDataURL, toBlob} = usePoster({
    // backgroundColor: "#0b8c70",
    // fontFamily: "Manrope",
    backgroundImg: "/path/image.png",
    color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98)",
    profitColor: "rgb(0,181,159)",
    lossColor: "rgb(255,103,194)",
    brandColor: "rgb(0,181,159)",
    data: {
      message: "I am the best trader.",
      domain: "",
      updateTime: "2022-JAN-01 23:23",
      position: {
          symbol: "BTC-PERP",
          currency: "USDC",
          side: "LONG",
          leverage: 20,
          pnl: -1032.23,
          ROI: -10.25,
          informations: [
            { title: "Open Price", value: "59,129.12313" },
            { title: "Opened at", value: "Jan-01 23:23" },
            { title: "Mark price", value: "59,129.12313" },
            { title: "Quantity", value: "2" },
    layout: {},

  return <canvas ref={ref} width={550} height={300} />;

Either default layout can be used or one can be provided via layout parameter. Sample code:

export const DefaultLayoutConfig: PosterLayoutConfig = {
  domain: {
    fontSize: 13,
    // color: undefined,
    position: {
      left: 20,
      bottom: 17,
  message: {
    fontSize: 20,
    color: "white",
    textBaseline: "top",
      position: {
        left: 20,
        top: 16,
  position: {
    fontSize: 20,
    color: "rgba(255,255,255,0.98)",
    position: {
      left: 20,
      top: 70,
  unrealizedPnl: {
    fontSize: 36,
    color: "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)",
    secondaryColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)",
    position: {
      left: 20,
      top: 110,
  informations: {
    fontSize: 12,
    color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)",
    labelColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.36)",
    position: {
      left: 20,
      top: 150,

  updateTime: {
    fontSize: 10,
    color: "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)",
    textAlign: "end",
    position: {
      right: 15,
      bottom: 17,

March 5, 2024 - Patch Update


Updates to v1.1.4

  • removed LZ scan library, no @axios dependency required.

  • fixed token approval issues.

  • update to useOrderbookStream hook to add padding param to not return anything if the orderbook depth is not enough.

const [data] = useOrderBookStream('[symbol]', undefined, {level:10, padding:false}
//if 'padding' is true, the hook will return NaN to
//fill the data to specified level if not enough depth
  • fixed WS connection issues.

February 22, 2024 - Minor Update


Updates to v1.1.3


  • The issue of incorrect Liq. price when reading margin data, now we will pass null when it’s loading.
  • The issue of Orderbook display.
  • The issue of fetching incorrect symbol for mark price / symbol infos when switching symbols.
  • Numerous UI issues in the desktop SDK.


  • Reduced the number of API calls made during open/cancel order operations to avoid triggering rate limits.
  • Improved the order entry experience.

New Features:

  • Added stop order functionality in the desktop and mobile web UI.

  • Added order/position lines in the desktop web kline.

February 7, 2024 - Major Update


Updates to v1.1.2

We are excited to announce the release of version 1.1.2 of the SDK. This update introduces significant changes and new features designed to enhance your development experience and the capabilities of your applications. Below is an overview of the key updates:

useOrderEntry Hook Enhancements:

  • Parameter Adjustments: Now accepts an object of type OrderEntity with mandatory fields: order_type, side, and symbol.

  • New Return Values: Includes estLiqPrice (Estimated Liquidation Price), estLeverage (Leverage change post-position opening), formattedOrder (Formatted order data), and metaState (Validation results and form status).

  • New submit() Function: A parameter-free function to create orders via API, aiming to replace onSubmit in future releases.

useWithdraw Hook Update:

  • New availableWithdraw Field: Indicates the direct withdrawal amount available without needing to settle PnL, calculated based on the unsettledPnL and freeCollateral.

useDeposit Hook Improvements:

  • New Return Fields: depositFee, setQuantity(quantity: number), and quantity for enhanced deposit management.

  • Simplified deposit() Function: No parameters required for operation.

Testnet Transition: Switch from Arbitrum Goerli to Arbitrum Sepolia.

Stop Limit/Stop Market Support:

  • Two new order types: STOP_MARKET and STOP_LIMIT

  • Introduction of Algo orders (stop loss) with two new methods: updateAlgoOrder(orderId: string, order: OrderEntity) and cancelAlgoOrder(orderId: string, symbol?: string).

  • Additional return parameters to include Algo order related properties.