June 25th, 2024 - Minor Update

Release Times

Testnet: July 26, 2024 14:00pm (UTC +8)

Mainnet: July 30, 2024 14:00pm (UTC +8)

Release Times

Testnet: June 21, 2024 14:00pm (UTC +8)

Mainnet: June 25, 2024 14:00pm (UTC +8)


Minor performance updates

May 28th, 2024 - Minor Update

Release Times

Testnet: May 24, 2024 14:00pm (UTC +8)

Mainnet: May 28, 2024 14:00pm (UTC +8)


Minor performance updates

April 16, 2024 - Minor Update


Updates to index price calculation

We have made enhancements to our index price calculation. New methodology can be found on Index price page

March 12, 2024 - Patch Update

Performance improvements

Performance improvements and bug patches. Improved WebSocket subscription connection to keep it more stable.

February 5, 2024 - Patch Update


Performance improvements

Minor performance improvements to trading functions and overall system.

January 4, 2024 - Minor Update


Updates to APIs

Added an address param to broker volume API.

Removed min order size for reduce only orders.


Introducing new liquidation model

Added liquidation_tier parameter for each symbol

Added symbols array and high/low risk perps in claim liquidated positions(POST /v1/liquidation) API


Renamed USDC to USDC.e

Added symbol parameter to claim from insurance fund endpoint

Added futures_tier to get account info endpoint

Updated symbol names in the get account info endpoint

Added an optional tag parameter to add Orderly Key, get Orderly key, get key info and get key IP restriction endpoints.

Added SpotFeeTier, FuturesFeeTier and maintenanceCancelFlag to account websocket topic


Added Claim from insurance fund endpoint

Added max_notional parameter to Get Insurance Fund Info and Get Account Information endpoints’ response

Added futures_tier parameter to Get Account Information endpoint


Added Get PnL Settlement History API

Added Liquidations on Account Websocket API

Added reduce-only type of order

Added limit_price parameter to Claim Liquidated Positions API

Updated /insurancefund endpoint to /insurance_fund

Updated symbol parameter of Get Liquidated Positions of Account API to not required


Added get user statistics API

Added get TradingView localized configuration info API

Added get TradingView history bars API

Added get TradingView symbol info API

Added get leverage configuration API

MARKET/BUY/ASK types of order now check for minimum notional requirement


Updated error codes and messages for futures trading

Added volume_ltd field to volume stats API

Added unsettled_pnl field to get positions API

Added type field to get liquidated positions API

Replaced imr_factor with imr_factor array for info API

Removed get positions under liquidation per market API

Replaced liquidationFeeLiquidator field in Websocket API topics liquidation & liquidatorLiquidation with liquidatorFee

Removed liquidatedpositions and liquidationsaccount topics from Websocket APIs


Updated available symbols endpoint

Updated get account information endpoint

Added a new get predicted funding rate for all markets endpoint

Added a new get predicted funding rate for one market endpoint

Added a new get funding rate history for one market endpoint

Added a new get funding rate history per hour for one market endpoint

Added a new get futures info for all markets endpoint

Added a new get futures for one market endpoint

Added a new get positions under liquidation endpoint

Added a new get positions under liquidation per perp market endpoint

Added a new get liquidated positions info endpoint

Added a new futures fee information endpoint

Added a new get all position info endpoint

Added a new get position info endpoint

Added a new get one position info endpoint

Added a new get funding fee history endpoint

Added a new get liquidated positions by liquidator endpoint

Added a new index price topic

Added a new mark price topic

Added a new open interest topic

Added a new estimated funding rate topic

Added a new liquidation push topic

Added a new position push topic

Added a new liquidator positions push


Added a new batch cancel orders endpoint by client_order_id


Updated the path for the public fee information endpoint

Added a new batch cancel orders endpoint

Added a new public endpoint for querying broker details

Added broker_name to a number of orders endpoint responses

Added a series of endpoints for notifications


Added a new system maintenance status endpoint

Added and modified endpoints to query Orderly/Trading keys

Added endpoint to set (and override) IP restriction of trading keys

Added endpoints to query user trading statistics

Added endpoints to query platform statistics

Added broker_id filtering on various transaction, order, and trade endpoints


Added endpoints to query and manage IP restriction of trading keys

Added endpoints to query current Orderly/Trading keys


Added endpoint to manage the option to cancel orders during maintenance


Change root domain to orderly.org

Add token info REST API

Add edit order REST API

Add broker_id support on order APIs


Add Orderly fee program endpoint


Add bulk order function


Initial release