Our interfaces require two keys to access, Orderly Key Pair (ed25519) and Trading Key Pair (secp256k1). Orderly Access Key Pair is generated by the wallet and more information can be found here and instructions on how to create the keys can be found here. Trading keys can either be retrieved from a GUI or generated on your own.

It is recommended to use function call keys rather than full access keys for safety

Storage Deposit



args: {
    account_id: "NEAR account ID" //optional
    registration_only: "bool" //optional

Registers an account in the smart contract/Deposit storage fee*

*It cannot be used without any deposit attached

This API creates a NEAR account_id in the Orderly contract or is used to top up storage deposit and is a payable method, thus requires a specified amount of NEAR to be attached when first registering an account. The required amount can be retrieved using storage_balance_bounds.

If registration_only=trueonly the minimum required NEAR amount to register an account is accepted which can be retrieved using storage_balance_bounds. This cannot be true if the account already exists.

If the account already exists or the value of registration_only=false,it can also be omitted.

Any data stored in the contract, such as setting Access/Trading keys, token balance, etc., requires storage staking as per NEAR architecture

Set Orderly Key



// Parameters are optional and are only for cross-contract calls
// The key that signs this transaction will be registered if public_key is null

args: {
     //optional and is only required for cross-contract calls
     public_key: "ed25519: Public Orderly Access key",

Setting Access Keys requires a storage deposit

Binds Orderly Access Keys to the smart contract

Set Trading Key



args: {
    //optional and is only required for cross-contract calls
    //if empty, the key used to sign this transaction will be used
    public_key: "ed25519: Public Orderly Access key"
    key: normalizeTradingKey,

Creates and binds a user’s trading key to a user’s Orderly Key

Trading keys are generated using elliptic-curve cryptography and normalized using the following format:

Step 1: Hex the public key

Step 2: Remove ‘04’ if present

Step 3: Hash it using keccak256

Step 4: Covert the result into a hex string

Step 5: Pass base64 of the resulting string

Check if Orderly Key Set



args: {
    user: accountId,
    //optional and is only required for cross-contract calls
    orderly_key: orderlyKeyPair.getPublicKey().toString(),

Check if Trading Key Set



args: {
    user: accountId,
    //optional and is only required for cross-contract calls
    orderly_key: orderlyKeyPair.getPublicKey().toString(), 

Remove Access Key



args: {
     //optional and is only required for cross-contract calls
     public_key: "ed25519: Public Orderly Access key",