
The library is written fully in Typescript, so no additional type installation is needed.


Available Clients

contractsApi - asset manager smart contract client;

ftClient - fungible token smart contract client;

restApi - REST API client.


To initialize these clients you will need the following:

contractsApi - SDK configuration options

ftClient - contract URL and SDK configuration options

restApi - SDK configuration options

SDK configuration options is an object with the next properties:

networkId - NEAR network id to which we want to connect when working with the SDK. Currently, Orderly contracts are deployed on testnet and mainnet (fungible token contract is deployed only on testnet).

Note: You can read about NEAR CLI here

If you want to change the NEAR configuration options for smart contract clients, pass them as the last parameter in their constructors.

First steps

After instantiating the smart contract client, call the connect function.

Note: As all requests work with HTTP don’t forget to fetch the user balance after each action likeorderCreate

import { AuthClient } from 'orderly-sdk';

const authClient = new AuthClient({
  networkId: 'testnet',
  contractId: 'asset-manager.orderly.testnet'

// you can bind that to connection button
await authClient.connect()

const api = await authClient.restApi()
const contract = await authClient.contractsApi();
const ft = await authClient.ftClient();

You can also use public API as well without connection:

import { AuthClient } from 'orderly-sdk';

const authClient = new AuthClient({
  networkId: 'testnet',
  contractId: 'asset-manager.orderly.testnet',
  debug: true

const pubClient = authClient.publicClient();
await pubClient.getAvailableSymbols()

near-js-api can be imported from SDK to avoid version conflicts

import { AuthClient } from 'orderly-sdk';

const authClient = new AuthClient({
  networkId: 'testnet',
  contractId: 'asset-manager.orderly.testnet',
  debug: true

const nearApi = authClient.nearJsApi